Title: Forrest Gump
As the movie progresses, we are able to see the joyous life of Forrest full of ridiculous moments . From indulging in the war of Vietnam to running a full marathon for several days becoming a sensation, Forrest does it all. During the course of war we get to see Forrest's best friend “Bubba “ . This character is undoubtedly my favorite character because of his innocence and his unconditional love towards his family and Forrest. Forrest later fulfills his promise with Bubba by running a shrimp boat all by himself. The role of Forrest is played perfectly by Tom hanks and I can’t imagine any other actor playing this character this well. The direction of the movie is exceptional and all the jokes and plotlines are executed perfectly by the actors .The ending of this movie couldn’t have been better; Forrest reunites with his childhood love Jenny. The meaning of love is displayed perfectly by the two, accepting each-other for who they are . This is an absolutely magical movie that should definitely be watched at least once. Claimed to be one of the best movies of Tom by critics, Forrest Gump is a timeless classic that never fails to please viewers.
By Prithak Pradhan
Grade 9
Modern School, Bhaktapur